Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hi everyone - I am texting from my phone again to update. Dad had a really good night last night-no fever and no pain pills!! He slept well and even got up and made breakfast! ;-)
We are at the hospital right now and have been here most of the day- we are waiting for his platelets to be delivered and once they are he will do those and then get about 3- 3 1/2 hours of chemotherapy and then we get to go back to Bobbie's - gonna sort of be a late night but things are going well :-)
Love to all and thank you for all the prayers, love, and support!!!


  1. Jessica,
    Thanks for the update and I'm glad that things are continuing to go well. I hope that it's not too late a night. Love, MamaC

  2. thanks mamaC ;) it was a late night but we got some good sleep in this morning ;)
    love you!
