Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hi all- I am once again updating from my phone... We did get dad discharged last night and made it to bobbie's about 8:30pm- however our stay was sadly cut short :-(
At about 2am dad was having so much pain in his left leg that he couldn't sleep and his temperature was creeping up but not fevered yet. He said he wanted to just wait and see how he felt by morning. I decided to go ahead and bunk in with him at that point. By 4am we were up again the pain was worse and he had started to run fever- so we called the nurses station and told them what was going on and they said that since it was a "new pain" we should go to the ER. So we packed up and headed back out to MDAnderson.
We didn't have to wait to long- of course once we were here the fever subsided and the pain had lessened some. However, I am still glad we came since we didn't want to take any chance that it could be a blood clot. They have run several labs and everything has come back clear. He ran low fever one more time since we have been here and right now they have him getting an ultrasound to check for a clot.
When he gets back to the room and the doctor comes to see us again I will update everyone again.
Rough night and morning - please pray for clear answers!
Love to all!


  1. Jessica - Hang in there; be tough. You made great decisions. We all continue to pray! Hopefully, this is just one of those "bumps" in the road. Let us know if you need anything. You are awesome; you are a real strength for Melvin. I know that mom is so proud and comfortable with your being with Melvin. Take care! Claudia

  2. We are with you in mind and spirit... I just know GOD hears us and will continue to answer our prayers! There may be curves in the road on this journey but, Jesus will guide you through it...keep thoughts of strong faith and hope within your mind to bring forth poistive happenings of GOD and his blessings!!! I know mom and dad will do whatever they can to help so, please don't hesitate to ask... Jess you are doing a great job!! Keep fighting the good fight!! I love you all so much!! The whole family is close to you in heart and spirit... We are behind you a 100%...
    God bless,

  3. I was wondering since you did not update last night. I'm sorry that you two had to go through this but hoping for good news, of course. Stay strong and positive as answers will come and he will get better.
    God Bless You Both,
    Love, MamaC

  4. I just got off the phone with Jessica, Praise God no Blood Clot. They are getting ready to head back to Bobbie's. Thank you so much for the continued prayers and support.
