Monday, May 10, 2010

afternoon update

well, low grade fever has returned and so has the mystery left leg pain :( ...... just seems that if it isn't one thing it is another!!  we would just LOVE to have EVERYthing go well!  Please please say prayers that it clears up - he is in quite a bit of pain and the first pain medication that they gave him earlier didn't work - they are giving him a new one right now that we are hoping works better!
I will be headed back to Houston tomorrow and mom will be headed back to Madisonville, we will be overlapping a little which will be nice - I am looking forward to getting to tell her Happy Mother's Day in person :)
Ok - I just talked to mom again and apparently the new pain med worked - he feels loopy and feel right to sleep but the pain is subsided so that is GOOD!  Lets all pray he wakes up feeling better!!
Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica - Claudia (aka Jewish mother) here. Glad to hear that Melvin seems to be getting over the "bumps". Be careful tomorrow - I had an orthodontist years ago who always said "better late than never". So, drive carefully as you have an "amazing" husband, a wonderful dog and two parents who love you very much and certainly appreciate your help at ths time. Let us know how dad is doing. It seems that prayers are working. Keep them up folks! Claudia
