Thursday, May 27, 2010
Dad's Appointment Today!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Another Beautiful Day!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
We are at the hospital right now and have been here most of the day- we are waiting for his platelets to be delivered and once they are he will do those and then get about 3- 3 1/2 hours of chemotherapy and then we get to go back to Bobbie's - gonna sort of be a late night but things are going well :-)
Love to all and thank you for all the prayers, love, and support!!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sorry for the Delay!!
We had a busy and crazy weekend and I apologize for not updating the blog!!
Well, Bradley and Chachi came in town to see me and the three of us went to stay with Sarah and Sidney and there 3 pups - we had a wonderful time with them!
On Saturday dad had his very first time to himself in the evening for a few hours and it didn't go so well, he had been slowly but surely starting to feel the negative side effects from the daily shot he is taking to raise his white blood cell counts (flu like aching etc) and Saturday night it made his fever spike all the way to 102 - we were keeping in close touch with him through the whole night and thought for a while there that we were going to be back at the hospital again :( ... thankfully his fever started to break on its own around 10pm and by a little after 11 when the Forets got back home he was feeling a lot better. So, he went to sleep and yesterday he felt ok all day and by last night he ran about a 99.something - by this morning it was totally gone. He seems to be feeling very well this morning. I will be with dad all this week till Friday and then I believe my mom will be coming in to spend some time with him and give me some time to go home and be with my love ;)
I will update regularly this week - I promise ;)
Love to all!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Another GREAT day!
Everything is set up for the stem cell drive on May 23 at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Destrehan. It will be from 8am - 8pm. Lisa will be sending out an email soon so everyone who wants to volunteer to work the drive can sign up.
Members of the hall and students took up a collection to help defray the cost of the stem cell testing. They collected $500. An additional $150 was donated by a few more individuals. $50 has been collected so for to help defray the cost of the stem cell drive at St. Charles Borromeo. If you would like to join in please contact my Aunt Lisa and she will happily accept your donations ;)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Fabulous News!
Monday, May 10, 2010
afternoon update
A Better Day!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Still in the Hospital
Love to all!
Friday, May 7, 2010
My Aunt Lisa has been wonderful and has worked closely with Rickey and DJ from the Hall to set up both a Blood Drive and a Stem Cell Donor Drive for dad!! We CANNOT thank them all enough!!! Your love and support means the WORLD to our family and to dad!!
The blood drive will be in the brown building behind the Union Hall on the 1st floor - Room 115 - 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm /Monday, May 10th and Thursday, May 13th. The Union Hall is located at 2541 North Arnoult Rd., Metairie, La.
The bone marrow registration drive will again be in the same site from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Tuesday, May 11th and Wednesday, May 121th.
The criteria for donating blood and for becoming a stem cell donor are different.
Here is a link to the guidelines for donating stem cells:
Also, the procedures and time frames are different as well. To donate blood the process takes approx 45 mins to an hour while the stem cell registry process is more like 15 minutes and only involves you filling out some paperwork and swabbing the inside of your mouth and sealing the sample in an envelope. So far, we have more people signed up for the blood drive on Monday than we do on Thursday so if Thursday works for you that may be the better night to donate - though we WELCOME you either night!! :)
If you are either ineligible to donate blood or join the stem cell donor registry or don't feel led to, but you are still looking for a way to help then we are also looking for monetary donations to help cover the cost of the drives and the testing for the stem cell donor tests which runs about $100 per person tested. So, any donations would be GREATLY appreciated!!
Here are some commonly asked questions about becoming a Stem Cell Donor:
Who can be a Bone Marrow Donor?
Anyone in good health and between the ages of 18 and 60 You cannot donate if you had AIDS; rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, auto-immune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia; bleeding problems such as hemophilia, TTP or aplastic anemia; heart disease; Hepatitis B or C or confirmed hepatitis test; chronic kidney problems; organ or bone marrow transplant recipient in the past year; active pulmonary TB, diabetes or a chronic back problem. It is recommended that you not join if you are extremely overweight.
Is there a cost?
Financial donations are needed to help defray costs for testing the swabs, maintaining the donor file and completing donor match research when needed. Donations of up to $25.00 are suggested payable to "Marrow Foundation", a 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit organization.
- If I am a match is there any further costs?
A. All costs will be billed to the patient.
What does it involve to register as a donor?
You will complete a questionnaire, consent form and then a sample will be taken by means of a mouth swab. This will then be sent to the bone marrow registry. If you are accepted, your name will remain in the registry until you reach 61.
If I am a match, what happens?
- The bone marrow registry will make arrangements for you to come to give another sample to see if
you match the patient – usually two tubes of blood are needed. Then if you are match, the procedure will be set up to donate your bone marrow. There are no fees. You can also say "no" at anytime.
How is bone marrow donated?
Either by a peripheral blood stem cell donation or 2 tablespoons of bone marrow from the donor's pelvic bone.
For a peripheral donation, the donor receives one injection of Filgrastim each day for 4-5 days. Filgrastrim is a drug that increases the number of stem cells released from the bone marrow into the blood stream. The stem cells are collected from the blood stream through a process called apheresis.
The donation is done at a local hospital or donor center. Your blood is removed through a sterile
needle placed in a vein in one arm and passed through an apheresis machine that separates out the stem cell. The remaining blood, minus the stem cells, is returned through a sterile needle placed in a vein in the other arm.
For a bone marrow donation from the pelvic bone, you are admitted to the hospital and given either a
general or regional anesthesia. The procedure lasts between 45-90 minutes. Your marrow regenerates itself within several weeks.. You will experience some minor pain in the lower back for several days after donation which can be treated by taking an aspirin or non-aspirin product. There are minimal risks involved
For further info, go to "Be the" or call 1/800/366-6710, Ext 0 for "live" answer.
I know that was a lot of info at once - please do NOT hesitate to comment on this post with questions and I will make sure you get answers!! Or if you would like to email me directly my email is - Please help us to spread the word and get as much participation and support as possible!
Love to ALL!
Still in the ER awaiting a room.......
Back in the hospital
Unfortunately Dad and Dan did end up having to return to the ER last night due to a fever above the threshold that was set by his Leukemia specialist. They started dad on a new antibiotic and this morning his fever eventually went away. They are definitely re-admitting dad into the hospital to stay as an inpatient and they are still in the ER waiting for a room upstairs to open up for him. I will talk to Dan again shortly and update you as to the latest from the doc.
Please keep up the prayers for the fever to stay at bay and for there to clear, concise, simple answers to his fever dilemma!
Love to all!
and yes i will be posting the Local 60 Drive information this afternoon! :)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Hi again - this time from Round Rock
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
We are currently waiting for the home health nurse to deliver his IV meds and teach us how to administer them :-)
Love to all!
At about 2am dad was having so much pain in his left leg that he couldn't sleep and his temperature was creeping up but not fevered yet. He said he wanted to just wait and see how he felt by morning. I decided to go ahead and bunk in with him at that point. By 4am we were up again the pain was worse and he had started to run fever- so we called the nurses station and told them what was going on and they said that since it was a "new pain" we should go to the ER. So we packed up and headed back out to MDAnderson.
We didn't have to wait to long- of course once we were here the fever subsided and the pain had lessened some. However, I am still glad we came since we didn't want to take any chance that it could be a blood clot. They have run several labs and everything has come back clear. He ran low fever one more time since we have been here and right now they have him getting an ultrasound to check for a clot.
When he gets back to the room and the doctor comes to see us again I will update everyone again.
Rough night and morning - please pray for clear answers!
Love to all!
Monday, May 3, 2010
After a little debate with some docs that were trying to change their mind and keep dad here longer, I think we are back on track to leave in a few hours to head for bobbie's house.... He will have to continue a few IV drugs while we are at her house but the nurse should be coming by soon to teach me how to do all of that for him :-)
I will update again once we are actually on our way out of here :-)
Love to all!