Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hey Everyone!!
Just wanted to send out a little blurb of GREAT news and a SERIOUS request to join our PRAYING effort!!  We just got word from MD Anderson that the insurance IS going to pay for Dan and I to get tested for dad!!!! This news we have been on pins and needles waiting to hear about and it was WORTH the wait!! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join us in CONCENTRATED PRAYER that one of us is a match for dad - this would make EVERYTHING go so much EASIER and FASTER for dad!!!!!
Love to all and more details to follow as we get more information :) 
Also, mom and dad are returning to MDA tomorrow for dad to check back in to the hospital for another round of chemo - 4 days - so please pray that it is successful and complication FREE!!


  1. Jessica - The special praying for either you or Dan to match is in full high speed action. I will ask all my St. Anselm buddies to continue their praying with this special request. Have faith. Always remember, God has you in his arms, full of love and caring. He will protect you. Again, keep the faith! When do you get tested? You, Dan and mom have such a tremendous spirit. I do pray every day for all of you. Claudia (PS - My father is home now and doing better - remarkable.)

  2. thank you so much claudia!! and i am SOO happy to hear that your dad is doing better!! we will both be tested the minute our kits make it to us in the mail - we just take them to a doctor's office to have all the blood drawn etc :) we will keep you posted and REALLY appreciate the prayers with our special intention! :)
