Hey Everyone!
I am sorry that I didn't get to update yesterday - Blogger was shut down for some sort of maintenance... and also my commenting got all messed up. Anyway! - We are back online today!!
So, we have good news - dad finished his Chemotherapy yesterday and was looking and feeling good! They were back at Bobbie's by 6pm! Then they had quite a FEAST of softshell crabs and shrimp - which mom "VERY SWEETLY" sent me a picture of that INCREDIBLE looking feast - NOT NICE - I WAS SOOOO JEALOUS ALREADY!!! I did NOT need a VISUAL! ;) hee hee!
So, mom and dad are on the road back to Madisonville now, so please pray they have safe travels :)
They will remain home hopefully for about a month, for dad's counts to recouperate and while the transplant details are working out. At which time he will head back to check-in for the start of the transplant process.
I am sure you are wondering about Dan and I's testing - SO ARE WE :( - unfortunately as of yesterday we STILL have not received our kits in the mail - they were supposedly "overnighted" last Wednesday - - - well.... they obviously weren't but we are HOPEFUL that they will show up TODAY! Please PLEASE Please continue all of your INCREDIBLE prayers for one of us to be a PERFECT MATCH for him!!!
Love to all and I will let you know AS SOON as they arrive :)
Thanks as always for all your love, prayers, and support!!!